Dedicated to the memory of 'Sunny'

This site is a tribute to 'Sunny'. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Robert’s family would like to thank everyone for their cards, flowers, messages and prayers.

For those who can not attend the funeral, it will be live streamed on youtube.

The live stream will start around 1.30pm on 23rd February.

A recording of Robert's funeral can be accessed by the following link, please note this as updated on 28th March:!BATdHLxVvk9WgpVkNr88y7NYYNB1hA?e=q0mi7N 

Please click on the link to view.

The family have requested no flowers to be sent but please feel free to make a donation in Robert's memory to 'Orphan's in Need'.  This charity supports widows and orphans with a focus on sustainable projects and programmes giving support to the neediest around the world. You can use the link on the right had side of this page.

For those attending the funeral we request no all black clothing. Feel free to wear any colours as we celebrate Roberts life.



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Help grow 'Sunny''s Tribute by adding messages or memories you'd like to share.


Zimba was Sunny's pet dog and his friend and companion for many years. This is how Sunny met Zimba ... A close friend of my aunt was preparing to return to the US and was frantically looking for someone she could entrust her precious dog to, someone who would love the dog as much as she did. When she visited my aunt, she saw a man fast asleep on the carpet with my aunt's dog lying across his chest both looking peaceful and happy. This lady asked my aunt who this man was as she sensed he was the person who would love and care for her dog. That's how Sunny got Zimba. Sunny's gentle and loving ways endeared him to everyone, people and pets alike.
2nd April 2022
That was a very moving ceremony. I’ve just learned things about my uncle or Mesho that I never knew. And I’m glad I did. It makes me appreciate him even more. From his service in the military, the resilient spirit in order to survive prison and to do whatever it took to provide a better life for his family in England. And on top of all that such a jovial man full of life. I will remember and cherish the handful of our conversations. The board games we played. Your and Mashi’s story. And lessons you have taught me without you noticing. What do you say to a man who has done that and lived his life to the best of his ability? A mensch! Thank you dear Mesho. You belong to the ages now. The infinite. Where time and space no longer exist. May you drink the best Chai latte, Darjeeling and Green teas while making the angels laugh. Love and with earnest sincerity, Your nephew Subrato Roy
23rd February 2022
Saying goodbye is the most difficult to say to someone who loved us and brought so much of joy into our lives. Even though we did not meet Jamaibabu as often as we would have liked to, we always looked forward to the times that we did. He had such a positive outlook on life and such a great sense of humor and loved to talk about his life’s journey. Rest In Peace, Jamaibabu Sheila & Somesh
22nd February 2022
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